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Rental properties in Trelleborg Browse all our rental properties here


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What does rental properties in Trelleborg cost?
Rental properties in Trelleborg cost between kr3,650 and kr25,000.
The average price is kr149 / month per m².
Rental properties of 62 m² thus cost kr9,330 per month on average in Trelleborg.
How many rental properties are currently available in Trelleborg?
There are currently 87 rental properties for rent in Trelleborg.
What does 1 room rental properties in Trelleborg cost on average?
1 room rental homes in Trelleborg cost on average kr6,104 and are on average 32 m²
What does 2 room rental properties in Trelleborg cost on average?
2 room rental homes in Trelleborg cost on average kr9,097 and are on average 59 m²
What does 3 room rental properties in Trelleborg cost on average?
3 room rental homes in Trelleborg cost on average kr10,850 and are on average 77 m²

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  • By: Anders Bodström

    Skön skönestad som har mycket att erbjuda. Ta färjan över till kontinenten eller njut av vackra havsvyer. Här finns goda möjligheter att njuta.

  • By: Lennart Everbrant

    Trelleborg är en okej stad för en barnfamilj. Det finns som i de flesta städer sämre och bättre områden, men i sin helhet så är Trelleborg en trevlig stad att bo i.