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Rental properties in Falkenberg Browse all our rental properties here


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What does rental properties in Falkenberg cost?
Rental properties in Falkenberg cost between kr2,000 and kr15,416.
The average price is kr154 / month per m².
Rental properties of 56 m² thus cost kr8,626 per month on average in Falkenberg.
How many rental properties are currently available in Falkenberg?
There are currently 70 rental properties for rent in Falkenberg.
What does 1 room rental properties in Falkenberg cost on average?
1 room rental homes in Falkenberg cost on average kr5,582 and are on average 37 m²
What does 2 room rental properties in Falkenberg cost on average?
2 room rental homes in Falkenberg cost on average kr9,146 and are on average 55 m²
What does 3 room rental properties in Falkenberg cost on average?
3 room rental homes in Falkenberg cost on average kr10,844 and are on average 78 m²

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  • By: Stefan Lindqvist

    Vacker stad som ligger precis vid havet och det märks att folk är lite mer ''laid back'' här än på andra ställen. Kanske har det att göra med att det är en sommarstad hela året runt.

  • By: Amer Daiefi

    Beautiful little Swedish town that has a lot to offer, especially in the summer. Visit here when you get the chance and enjoy the beautiful ocean and the awesome night life.