Apartments in Lund cost between kr3,251 and kr31,808.
The average price is kr199 / month per m².
Apartments of 46 m² thus cost kr9,086 per month on average in Lund.
How many apartments are currently available in Lund?
There are currently 180 apartments for rent in Lund.
What does 1 room rental properties in Lund cost on average?
1 room rental homes in Lund cost on average kr6,063 and are on average 31 m²
What does 2 room rental properties in Lund cost on average?
2 room rental homes in Lund cost on average kr10,451 and are on average 53 m²
What does 3 room rental properties in Lund cost on average?
3 room rental homes in Lund cost on average kr13,333 and are on average 76 m²
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By: nasser
By: Sofi Suarez
Great little town that's known for its famous Lund university. Lund is a very vibrant little city right next to Malmo that is one of Sweden's melting pots for food and people.